Phone: (312) 847-3679

Go offroad!

Take your passion to the dirt!

We strive to maintain the places that we love. Please pick up

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Go offroad!

Take your passion to the dirt!

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Theme Featured3

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque augue eros, sit amet, consectetur adipiscing posuere elit.

Welcome to Our Website

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer sodales suscipit tellus, ut tristique neque suscipit a. Mauris tristique lacus quis leo imperdiet sed pulvinar dui fermentum. Aenean sit amet diam non tortor sagittis varius. Aenean at lorem nulla, sit amet interdum nibh. Mauris sit amet dictum turpis. Sed ut sapien magna. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. <br /> <br /> Aliquam gravida odio nec dui ornare tempus elementum lectus rhoncus. Suspendisse lobortis pellentesque orci, in sodales nisi pretium sit amet. Aenean vulputate, odio non euismod eleifend, magna nisl elementum lorem, ac venenatis nunc erat et metus. Nulla volutpat, urna eu congue venenatis, tellus odio hendrerit nibh, in commodo velit leo a ligula. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae aenean sit amet diam non tortor sagittis varius. Aenean at lorem nulla, sit amet interdum nibh. Mauris sit amet dictum turpis.

Join the club!

Harmless Auto Club is a collective of automotive enthusiasts. As a member of the club you enjoy many benefits.

Shared Tools!

Missing that one tool you need to complete a project? So were we! We use club funds to purchase and share the tools you need to do the job and do it right. If we don’t have the right tool, we’ll get it!

A Helping Hand!

Sometimes two hands just isn’t enough. We are all gearheads and wrenchmonkeys eager to get our hands dirty and work. Whether its to rebuild an engine or just finish off that case of beer with you, you never need to be alone.

Pooled Knowledge!

Been there, done that. Club members are some of the most experienced gearheads on the planet. We have tips and tricks galore for your next build or repair. Unsure of anything? Just reach out to the club and ask. We’ll be happy to help you figure it out.